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Web3 Wavefront

Capnova provides strategic consulting to enhance the growth and success of businesses and startups, ensuring excellence in a dynamic market.


Smart Contracts & Decentralised Apps

Ensuring secure, efficient smart contract development and audits for robust digital transactions.


Tokenomics Expertise

Specializing in diverse narratives like GameFi, crafting and managing token economies for optimized strategies in the digital asset landscape.

Community Management

Community Engagement

Capnova offers comprehensive 24/7 community management for platforms like Telegram and Discord, ensuring active engagement and a robust social presence. We can also setup full Discord channels and provide custom Discord channel bots.

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How We Work

Charting new digital frontiers, we transform bold visions into remarkable realities with precision and passion.

What We Do

We architect the digital landscapes of tomorrow, creating experiences that resonate and endure in an ever-evolving online world.

Get A Quote

Join us at the vanguard of innovation. Inquire today and start the future you imagine.

Capnova Consult

  • Tokenomics Development for Fundraising and Growth

    CAPNOVA specializes in creating tokenomics models essential for securing venture capital and driving
    long-term enterprise growth. Our approach ensures your digital currency strategy aligns with your
    business objectives.

  • Strategies for Token Utility and Emission Management

    We provide comprehensive strategies to maximize the utility of tokens and effectively manage their
    emission. This involves a deep understanding of market dynamics and user incentives to optimize
    the token's appeal and functionality.

  • Planning for Token Distribution and Value Stability

    Our services extend to the meticulous planning of token distribution, including the implementation of
    lockup periods and vesting schedules. These measures are crucial for maintaining the stability and
    perceived value of the token in the market.


Our Other Services


Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production of all web.


Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production of all web.

Web3 & Crypto Graphics

Specializing in blockchain and cryptocurrency graphics, we craft visually striking designs to showcase your digital assets with innovation and style.


Your Business Future

At Capnova, we specialize in guiding businesses and startups through the complexities of today's market. Our expertise in blockchain, decentralized finance (DeFi), and digital strategy sets your venture on a path to success. We offer strategic insights and tailor-made solutions, ensuring your business thrives in a dynamic and evolving digital environment.

  • Expertise in Web3 and Emerging Technologies

  • Strategic Growth and Development Plans

  • Customized Solutions for Digital Transformation

Elevating Your Digital
Presence Together!

At Capnova, we specialize in amplifying your digital footprint. From eye-catching social media visuals to engaging community announcements, our approach is tailored to make your brand stand out. We understand the power of digital narratives and work tirelessly to ensure your message resonates with your audience, harnessing innovative strategies and modern solutions.
